DIY Egg Carton Chicks
Posted by Happy Active Kids on
Egg cartons are one of my favourite craft supplies to use, as they are so readily available in most households, they’re versatile and they are also an ecofriendly material.
My boys love learning about the importance of recycling and reusing everyday household items.
These little DIY egg carton chicks are adorable and so much fun to make. They can be made unique with whatever craft supplies you have to hand, we used feathers, beads and pom poms. There’s a bit of cutting involved in this craft which older children can tackle. Younger children will enjoy cutting the paper for the chicks’ beaks and wings. Young children love spreading glue and pasting which is a great fine motor activity for writing readiness.
The key to enjoying crafting with young children is to be prepared to tolerate and if possible, contain their mess. Cover table tops with newspaper, put out empty jars to hold dirty paint brushes and have the required craft supplies on hand. With these in place, crafting will be an enjoying bonding activity for both children and adults!
I hope you have as much fun as we did, when you make these cute little egg carton chicks.
- Coloured feathers
- Coloured paper
- Googly eyes
- Yarn/twine
- Coloured beads
- Use a kraft knife to cut out the part that the egg sits in.
- Turn upside down and cut off ends so that cup sits on a table. This will be the chick’s body.
- Paint the body as preferred. We painted ours with poster paint.
- Use kraft knife to cut a small slit on top of the body. Push coloured feathers into the slit.
- Cut a beak shape from coloured paper and glue on to front of body.
- Glue googly eyes on to front of body.
- Cut two wing shapes from coloured paper and glue onto sides of body.
- To make legs, cut two lengths of twine/yarn, knot one end and thread a bead through it.
- Use sticky tape to secure the unknotted end of yarn inside the chick’s body.
* This post and all associated images have been supplied by the lovely Rossa from Curious Little People. Follow her on Instagram for more creative inspirations!